Demo App
You can try the demo app with your PC, Mac, Android device or iOS device.
PC / Mac Instructions
From your PC or Mac, tap link to web-app:
Navigate through the app by using your finger to tap instructions, audio icon, or text in boxes.
On writing screens, tap the ‘erase’ button to get the writing function started.
Android Instructions
From your Android device, tap link to web-app.
Navigate through the app by using your finger to tap instructions, audio icon, or text in boxes.
On writing screens, tap the ‘erase’ button to get the writing function started.
iOS Instructions (for iPhone / iPad)
From your iOS device, tap link to web-app.
Web-apps work best on iOS devices if you do the following steps before navigating through the app.
Navigate through the app by using your finger to tap instructions, audio icon, or text in boxes.
On writing screens, tap the ‘erase’ button to get the writing function started.